Bringing Relationships, Resources & Resilience to Women in Church Planting
Welcome To Parakaleo
Parakaleo means to come alongside, to encourage and strengthen, to instruct and teach.
Women in church planting tend to be strong in faith and deeply committed to the work. Yet when challenges, criticism, and chaos inevitably come, it can be difficult to draw comfort from the very gospel that redeemed them and will sustain them. This can lead to burnout and resentment, ultimately impacting the church’s success. This dynamic is especially true for the planter’s wife, who has a culture-shaping presence in the congregation.
Parakaleo helps women around the world build gospel-rooted resilience and feel less alone in church planting.
You Are Essential
Women in church planting hear mixed messages. They are told that church planting can’t happen without them, yet they receive very little learning or support to help them navigate their roles.
Parakaleo communicates a singular message to women: “You are essential to church planting. You are worthy to receive learning and care, too.”
The Importance
of Co-Laboring
By “co-laboring,” we refer to the collaborative ministry partnership between brothers and sisters in Christ, for God’s glory and for the benefit of the church. This mindset values the wisdom and the work of women, whether they be planters’ wives, vocational leaders, or launch team members. This practice not only multiplies impact but cultivates a more healthy and sustainable church planting experience for all involved.